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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

NOA Data Service - IoTdc, Gauteng

NOA Data Service 1


 NOA Data Service

NOA Data Service removes the complexity of IoT device selection, 
solution specific integration, data visualization and analytics.
We believe that real people can solve real-world problems better than before, 
they only need the right tools to make it happen.
We play our part by making the IoT accessible and easy to use, giving innovators 
what they need, when they need it, without the complexity.
Humanity and technology, working together for a better world. 
A world we’d want to live in.
How simple

Pre-integrated IoT devices and gateways such as Milesight, Minew, Kerlink, Teltonika and many more.
Use NOA Data Service - NDS to integrate your own devices that generate JSON data payloads easily
and extremely fast. Its as easy as selecting the parameters you want from the JSON payload and
press create. Device will be created and integrated in one two easy steps. This means MQTT topics 
will be generated where you can retrieve your data as well as integration URL will be given to you which
you can send your JSON payload to and all the hard work will already have done for you.

Lets say for instance your device sends its data to a LoRa gateway such as Milesight UG67 or UG65
or a Kerlink iStation of iFemtocell, The devices that send data need to be set up on your LNS of choice,
such as TTN, chirpstack or Kerlink WMC. The NOA Data Service generates a URL to which you will
send the device data direct from an LNs HTTP integration. everything else is integrated for you. All you
need to do is add the payload formatter so that the device paramaters get sent out to the unique NDS URL
and the paramaters will get stripped out and visualisation and alerts are then easy to create with just a few 
clicks of your mouse.

Written by johnkweber
NOA Data Service create by IoTdc and johnkweber